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May 21, 2008

Some more silly a$$ links and just silliness

Esilly-amused, where silliness abounds
Unique and unusual toys

Anagrams of Silly Ass

There is actually an antique art print called "silly as"
here >

And of course..who can resist SuperDeluxe dot com from the cartoon networks Adul Swim! I love Adult Swim!!!
I'm a fan of Robot Chicken and Aqua Teen Hunger Force~!

and now for a little joke.....

A popular bar had a new robotic bartender installed. A fellow went in for a drink, and the robot asked him,
"What's your IQ?"
The man replied, "150."
The robot proceeded to make conversation about quantum physics, string theory, medical science, and so on.
The man listened intently and thought, "This is really cool."
The man decided to test the robot. He walked out the bar, turned around, and went back in.
Again, the robot asked him, "What's your IQ?"
The man responded, "100."
The robot started talking about culture, sports, entertainment, and so on. The man thought to himself, "Wow, this is really cool."
The man went out and came back in a third time. As before, the robot asked him, "What's your IQ?"
The man replied, "50."
The robot said, "So, you gonna vote for Bush again?"

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